
Vendor name: Tiffany Oppelt
Address: 3117 Ella Lane, Manhattan, KS 66502
Phone: 620-820-4157

What can you find at my booth?
From Stratch Pies -by the slice, 5” or 9”

These pies will bring a smile to your lips, memories from childhood to your mind and are an awesome way to connect with someone else. That's why this pie is TheraPie (that and Grandma Thera taught me how to make
pies and I still use her crust recipe).

Look for the white "TheraPie-everyone needs a little" tablecloth and the pretty pie boxes.

Stop and say hello, I would love to meet you!

I take custom orders if we don't have what you are looking for at market that day. You can also find my column on page 4 of Grass and Grain publication.
-Tiffany (the Pie Lady)

Tori Cox